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facts about Qatar which you’ve always wanted to know!

facts about Qatar which you’ve always wanted to know!
1: The present ruler overthrew his father in a bloodless coup in 1995.
2: By 2007, Qatar became the highest income per capita country in the world through the revenues generated by it’s immense oil and gas industry.
3: Doha, the capital of Qatar, is the home of the Al Jazirah news network.
4: Qatar, at 11,586 sq km, is one of the smallest countries in the world in terms of area. It shares a 60 km border with Saudi Arabia.
5: Around three-quarters of the population is Muslim, with about 1 in 12 Christian.
6: A quarter of the population lives in Doha.
7: Qatar has one of the lowest unemployment rates on the planet.
8: December 18 is National Day and commemorates the 1878 accession of the Al Thani family to the throne.
9: More than half of the country’s GDP is generated by the oil and gas sector. It has 25 billion barrels of proven oil reserves which, at present levels of output, should keep things ticking along rather nicely for roughly the next 60 years.
10: Qatar is to stage the 2022 World Cup. That’ll mean a huge round of billion-dollar infrastructure spending over the next few years.